On January 14th, Clarkstown North held its second annual elective promenade. During activity periods 2a and 2b, students in grades 9, 10, and 11 had the opportunity to walk around the school and learn about different classes and electives offered. This promenade was created to help students make decisions for upcoming course selection on January 27th.

“The elective promenade was awesome. I think that North should definitely keep doing this every year,” said Iliana Deftereos, freshman. “It was fun walking around with my friends and getting information about electives for next year. All of the teachers did a great job explaining everything and it definitely made me less nervous to pick electives for next year.”
The elective promenade gave insight and information on what the courses offer, and what is expected of the students. Many new and exciting courses have also been added for next year. One example is College Mythic Journeys, an English elective that delves into myth and folklore in literature. Another class offered for next year is Intro to Accounting, which teaches students lifelong skills such as preparing financial statements, business transactions, and more. The elective promenade was a huge success.